Bows, bells, baubles and beads

The random thoughts and musings of Delle

11 Jul

I’m so bad at updating

I haven’t come back to let people know that we had our second scan last week. They checked for Downs soft markers, because of our increased risk, but nothing showed up. Interestingly, one of the more obscure soft markers is having the little fingers bend in towards the hands. The sonographer told us that it was a difficult one to check for, because babies are often clenching their fists. So I showed her my hands, with their bent in little fingers, and she decided not to bother checking that one.

Whilst we were there, we also checked what sex the baby is, and apparently (though it was a little difficult to see due to the position of the umbilical chord) we are having a baby girl.

7 Responses to “I’m so bad at updating”

  1. 1
    Amy Says:

    My little fingers bend in, too! Obviously all your digits are perfect.


  2. 2
    Annika Says:

    Girl baby! I can say with some authority that those are every bit as nice as the boy variety.
    Annika´s last blog post ..The Joy of Parenting

  3. 3
    Cindy Says:

    Okay, now I know why I missed this memo. I have your site listed on my blogfeed but for some reason, it hasn’t updated there. I finally thought to go directly to this site from my bookmarks and lo and behold I can see all your latest updates. I’ll continue to check in this way instead of trusting bloglines so, hopefully, I’ll stay more in the loop. Also, I just told Megan you were expecting a girl in November and she wanted me to pass on that she’s very happy for you and that she thinks November 11th would be a great day to for your daughter to arrive. It being her birthday has nothing to do with that thought, I’m sure.

  4. 4
    Jess Says:

    Yes! Please, more baby updates! I am excited for mini-mUrlle2! Also, glad that the markers were negative 😀
    Jess´s last blog post ..Three days till fruity drinks

  5. 5
    CosmicAvatar Says:

    Glad things are progressing well. Yay!

  6. 6
    Jenn Says:


    My little fingers bend in, too. We are, it seems, a very cool group.

  7. 7
    Simon Says:

    WAIT! You’re pregnant?!


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