Bows, bells, baubles and beads

The random thoughts and musings of Delle

Archive for August, 2010

18 Aug

Fractal spinning

When fractal spinning, it is usual to make a 2 ply yarn. Instead, I tried to be clever, and make a 3 ply. As such it wasn’t an entirely successful fractal, I don’t think, but it was fun and interesting. I started by taking my fibre and laying it out Then split it into 3 […]

17 Aug


Ro’s hand is pretty much back to normal size. The antibiotics are doing their thing, even though he’s fighting them as much as possible. Getting him to take it is a battle of wills. So far Martin and I are winning, but only just. In the near future, I shall try and blog about Knit […]

15 Aug

Poor monkey

Here’s a little morning photo of Ro. For the observant (amongst whom my husband and I apparently do not number), you may have noticed that his left hand is somewhat larger than his right. Yesterday lunch time Ro got bitten by an insect. We aren’t sure what kind, because we didn’t see it. It wasn’t […]

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